Author: José Older, Daniel
- Luis Borges, Jorge (1)
- IN: Midnight Taxi Tango (2016) Fantasy Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Convertir el ultraje de los años
en una música…
Convert the outrage of the years
into a music…
FROM: "Arte Poética", (2000), Lecture, Argentina
- Gloria Anzaldúa (1)
- IN: Half-Resurrection Blues (2015) Fantasy Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: To live in the Borderlands means
the mill with the razor white teeth wants to shred off
your olive-red skin, crush out the kernel, your heart
pound you pinch you roll you out
smelling like white bread but dead;
To survive the Borderlands
you must live sin fronteras
be a crossroads.
FROM: “To live in the Borderlands means you”, (1987), Poem, US
- Trío Matamoros (1)
- IN: Battle Hill Bolero (2017) Fantasy Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: En una tarde de inquietud
Quisqueya vióse de pronto de pavor sumida.
On a tumultuous afternoon
Dread suddenly inundated Quisqueya.
FROM: “El Trío y el Ciclón”, (1992), Song, Cuba